Three simple words poetically describe the action, the setting, and the preparation for the most natural and passionate act known to all living creatures. As the sexiest lyrical line ever crooned in one of my most favorite country songs spawns the creation of this pictorial land of hotness and passion, I believe the title is self-explanatory so I know you can imagine the utter beauty your eyes will behold as you navigate through each and every one of these visually musical splendors.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Hmmm...I Think I'll Have Burgers And Watermelon For Dinner

I have no idea why this title came into my mind, but as I've stated before I just type the first thing that comes to my mind...it keeps it more authentic, you know? And believe me, I know I've typed some uber silly post titles, but I think I've gotten a few good ones in there too! But doesn't she just look like she tryin' to decide somethin'? I totally think so...but now I want burgers and watermelon!

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