Three simple words poetically describe the action, the setting, and the preparation for the most natural and passionate act known to all living creatures. As the sexiest lyrical line ever crooned in one of my most favorite country songs spawns the creation of this pictorial land of hotness and passion, I believe the title is self-explanatory so I know you can imagine the utter beauty your eyes will behold as you navigate through each and every one of these visually musical splendors.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Pure Cream And Beauty

You probably don't know what I mean when I say, “Pure Cream”, and it's not what you're thinkin', so get your mind out of the gutter! Heehee...well, I mean, you're sort of right, but when I was younger and after I first realized that I was attracted to women too, I used to get a feelin' about the girls I was attracted to. I would give them each a description based on how I would feel when I thought about them. Some would just be “creamy” others would be “total creamy” and then girls who really got me goin' I'd label “pure cream”, which just meant that I would most likely turn into cream in their hands...at least that's how I thought about it when I was younger...so I guess you're not that wrong with your first thought, because I do think about these little descriptions differently now that I'm an adult. *Wink, Wink

Monday, May 24, 2021

A Bevy Of Beauties #6: A Tag Bonanza (36 Photos)

I've collected so many pics over the years and the ones that I don't choose to feature on my blogs and social sites ultimately just get deleted...But why? I've decided to just bunch them all together and post them anyway. I mean, I originally liked the pic enough to save it, right? So why not share it? So this is where I'll dump all the pics I decided for whatever reason won't be featured during my regular posting sessions when I get enough of them to fill a post (if you've followed me for some time, you have to know I'm a creature of habit, right?). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I did finding them! *KISSES*

Thursday, May 20, 2021

She Looks Like Somone, Doesn't She?

I'm not sure who I think she looks like exactly, but she might be reminding me of Jennifer Love Hewitt now, when she's older. I never was that attracted to Miss Hewitt when she was younger, but now, as she's gotten older and added a little extra love paddin', I think she's extremely attractive. And if you think I'm seein' things and this model doesn't look anything like Jennifer Love Hewitt than that could totally be possible, because I just finished watching an episode of her new show, 9-1-1, and I could just have her on my mind because she just looks amazing in that show, doesn't she?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Fresh And Gorgeous

I'm not really old at all, but the years are addin' up quicker and quicker! But what I'd like to say, is of course, being young is awesome, and as you age you lose certain abilities and things you used to be able to do when you were younger, but being older opens up the doors to things that you wouldn't have probably done when you were younger so now you can enjoy those things just as much as you enjoyed doing the younger things. This lovely and beautiful creature above is probably havin' the time of her life, at least I hope so, lookin' and being so young and sexy, but I'm sure she's not goin' to let a little thing like age slow her down! Find new things to do and I promise, you'll still feel so fulfilled and happy you won't know what to do with yourself!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Hard Work And Good Genes

Now this is funny! I just talked about how much I appreciate the hard work some women do and create beautiful forms and tone curves like the lady above in one of my other blog posts this week! Although I don't think the above sexy gal would count because she's tone, but it looks like she has very, very soft parts about her too. I don't know, I guess I just love to see stuff move more than have it be perfectly formed, but this girl's face is just gorgeous! So I'd probably give her a chance to wet my interest, if you know what I mean!