You probably don't know what I mean when I say, “Pure Cream”, and it's not what you're thinkin', so get your mind out of the gutter! Heehee...well, I mean, you're sort of right, but when I was younger and after I first realized that I was attracted to women too, I used to get a feelin' about the girls I was attracted to. I would give them each a description based on how I would feel when I thought about them. Some would just be “creamy” others would be “total creamy” and then girls who really got me goin' I'd label “pure cream”, which just meant that I would most likely turn into cream in their hands...at least that's how I thought about it when I was younger...so I guess you're not that wrong with your first thought, because I do think about these little descriptions differently now that I'm an adult. *Wink, Wink