Three simple words poetically describe the action, the setting, and the preparation for the most natural and passionate act known to all living creatures. As the sexiest lyrical line ever crooned in one of my most favorite country songs spawns the creation of this pictorial land of hotness and passion, I believe the title is self-explanatory so I know you can imagine the utter beauty your eyes will behold as you navigate through each and every one of these visually musical splendors.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Her Kitty's Such A Gentleman

“I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you… but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.” — Unknown

Isn't the weirdest thing sometimes when you dream about somebody you didn't think you'd normally dream about and if the dream was a good dream or a sexual dream, you feel all weird and warm when you go near the person the next day? I'm not sayin' you fall in love with someone because of a dream, but the fact you just spent how so many minutes thinkin' about that person, because dreams I heard are only like twenty or so minutes long, has to mean somethin', right?

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Tell Me Something Dirty #54

I Smell Lavender...Do You?

“You were born to be real, not to be perfect.” — Unknown

I don't really know how much of this curvaceous beauty is actually real, and I'm not writing this post to call out people who get improvements, because I believe that people should do whatever they need to do to make themselves feel better as long as it's safe, or somewhat safe, because everything has side effects, right? But I'm curious, if you found out a beautiful person in your life has gotten improvements, would you still consider them perfect? Or would they lose that moniker if they had a little extra help? Does someone need to be completely natural to be considered perfect? And I'm only talkin' about physical aspects here, because I don't think anyone can be emotionally or intellectually perfect.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

I'll Tell You Somethin' She "Ignites" In Me...*Blushing*

“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” — Byron Katie

Well, I don't know how true this is especially when I have a pic of this gorgeous beauty above, but I get it. I do love myself, but I'm humble, at least I like to think I am, and other people seem to “love” me alright too, but this beauty above? Wow. She'd be the love of my life if she read, loved tacos, and ate peanut butter and jeally on graham crackers! You know, because I can tell from the pic that she exercises and takes care of herself also, so I'm sure she could join me on a run too!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Lonely Gazebo #2: A Follower's Collection (30 Photos)

Over the years I've gained a few faithful followers and supporters of all of my endeavors and it seems I can never thank them enough for their help, encouragements, and just plain awesomeness. Also, they have always thrown a few pics my way, some even flood my inbox with them (YAY!), so...I've decided to create a series on each of my BLOGs to spotlight these sexy offerings...to show off some really good taste in sexy beauty, as well as to give these followers the nod they deserve.

(Side Note: These followers do not claim to own these pics or their rights; they are simply collectors like myself)

This collection is courtesy of: OrangeeAppeal (Orangee3) from Reddit

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Stamps Of Approval #46 (Hot Sexy Women Pic Dump - 20 Photos)

Now This Is A Cute Set!

“Self-love is the greatest middle finger of all time.” — Unknown

I know the way the person who said this meant people to take it, that you can really show someone and get revenge if you just love yourself and not care about what others think...but my mind, my mind took it such another way at first! Heehee...self-love is so important, people! It releases stress and anxiety, relaxes our muscles and helps us sleep and keeps us in a better mood for longer. Plus, it really helps in relationships because if you know what you like than that's so much easier for the other person and it takes away so much room for problems. So healthy!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Uh...Sure, Let's Hang Out...I Got Nothin' Better To Do

“There’s something about the way you smile at me that just turns me on.” — Unknown

Smilin' is a very good sign to pay attention to to test if someone is into you or not. Now some people are just naturally constant smilers, and they just always seem to be smilin' no matter who they're with or what they're doin', so you'll have to find another indicator when dealin' with these people, but most people, if they are smilin' at you, like all the time, they have to be into you in some way and most likely it's romantically because we just don't tend to smile at people we consider friends as much as we smile at the people we want to get freaky with in private.